Dhruv Gupta

An avid traveler with a nerdy streak!


Node.jsAutomationCertificate Generation

This script written in NodeJS is a straightforward tool capable of generating and mailing certificates in bulk, utilizing data from a spreadsheet (.xlsx).

Project Image



Setup for sending MLSA Certificates

1 Clone the repository using the command.

  $ git clone https://github.com/MR-DHRUV/Automate_certificate_generation_and_mailing.git

2 Open a terminal in the root folder of the project and install npm packages using the following command.

  $ npm i

3 Completing the .env file to initialize the mailer

4 Update the event details in the eventDetails.js file.

5 Populate the data in the data.xlsx file in the following format.

Name of the attendeeEmail of the attendee

6 Run the script using the following command.

   $ node index.js

7 Progress will be reported in the terminal as follows

    Certificate sent to : email1
    Certificate sent to : emailN

Changing Certificate Template

1 To generate certificates, it is necessary to create a fillable PDF template. For guidance on creating one, please refer to the following link . Save the pdf as template.pdf.

2 Update the eventDetails.js file and add the fixed(That will be same in all certificates) properties that you created in the template pdf.

3 Updating the genCert.js file to populate the new fixed properties.

    // Lets concider that we have added a new property named as "E_DATE" and that will be fixed in all certificates
    // Updating eventDetails.js
    module.exports = Object.freeze({
        // adding new property
        date : "16-03-23" // date of event
    // Updating genCert.js
    // After the line 23 add the new feild as follows
    const E_DATE = form.getTextField('E_DATE');
    // Fill the property

4 Adding properties that will be populated from spreadsheet.

    // Updating genCert.js
    // To populate this new property from excel we will pass this new property as a parameter to the function genCert present at line 10 as follows
    const genCert = async (name,email,date) => {....
    // After the line 23 add the new feild as follows
    const E_DATE = form.getTextField('E_DATE');
    // Now we have to fill the property as follows
    // Updating index.js
    // Say this new property date is present in 3rd column of the excel sheet, so we'll modify line no 18 as follows
    // we'll add row[col-1] as js uses 0 based indexing
    genCert(row[0], row[1],row[2]);

We love contributions ❤️ and if you have any suggestions or improvements, feel free to open an issue or a pull request here.